Barron's - USA (2021-11-22)

(Antfer) #1

70 BARRON’S November 22, 2021

An Internet Reset

Is Within Our Reach


iscussions on Cap-

itol Hill and in

legislative houses

across Europe in

recent weeks have

yet again been

dominated by the

harmful effects of social media.

Yet again, lawmakers are seeking

answers around failures that are built

into the design of the internet’s cur-

rent model.

Yet again, policy makers and Silicon

Valley executives are sparring over

whether tech companies should face

greater oversight and more-stringent

regulations, or whether they should be

allowed to change their practices vol-

untarily and without penalty.

And yet again, the conversation is

centered around how to fix a model that

is undeniably and irretrievably broken.

Enough. It is long past time to

move beyond a technology infrastruc-

ture that generates profit from harm.

Despite the internet’s many bene-

fits, its current model warps our eco-

nomic system by monetizing personal

data and selling it to the highest bid-

der. Social media has wrecked public

discourse by prioritizing clicks over

truth and by making misinformation

and outrage more profitable than facts.

The technology that underpins ev-

erything we do is designed to benefit

platforms over people and, as we in-

creasingly move our lives online, is

eroding the civic institutions that

should strengthen and unite our soci-

ety. These harms disproportionately

affect individuals who are already vul-

nerable, driving a culture of toxic in-

equality. And the resulting lack of trust

is threatening our very democracy.

It is time to fix the problem once

and for all.

Big Tech has made good on its

promise to “move fast and break

things” in ways that are simply be-

yond repair and can’t be addressed

solely by regulation. Instead of explor-

ing ways to repair a broken model, we

should focus on a new internet archi-

tecture built on a more equitable and

more positive foundation. Ultimately,

we need to completely reset our cur-

rent technology model and develop a

new approach that is focused on us-

ers, optimized for access and equity,

and built for the common good.


his may sound bold but in

fact is within our reach. We

have the ability to build an

open-source web protocol

that, by its very design, would shift

the control of personal data from pri-

vate companies to individuals, enable

internet users to own their social net-

works and plug them into various

applications, and pave the way for

people to benefit directly from the

economic value of their data.

An open web architecture lays

the foundation for many to work to-

gether to build new models that can

release us from our dependence on a

surveillance economy and the algo-

rithmic choices made by few corpora-

tions. It can give us new tools to col-

lectively fight disinformation and hate

speech. It can encourage innovators to

develop competitive products that

could better serve society. Ultimately,

it provides an opportunity to shift the

control of social networks from corpo-

rations to the people that build them.

In addition, we can create a gover-

nance framework to guide this next

generation of technology by bringing

technologists together with social

scientists, ethicists, and legal and

policy experts to promote a cross-

disciplinary “ethical tech” approach

that will make progress durable over

the long term.

And with enough support from

people and institutions, we can con-

struct a movement for change that

prioritizes internet users over plat-

forms, opens new doors of opportu-

nity, and ignites positive social, eco-

nomic, and civic engagement.

This new direction represents a new

era for the web. And it’s our surest

path forward. We need to return the

ownership and control of personal data

to individuals, where it belongs; embed

standards and principles into technol-

ogy, where they can do the most good;

and redirect the economic benefits of

the internet from a few powerful com-

panies to society more broadly.

Despite the problems our current

web infrastructure has caused and

exacerbated, we have the ability to

build a more open and equitable civic

architecture—an internet for the com-

mon good. With better technology and

a governance framework to guide it, we

have a real opportunity to strengthen

our democracy, repair our social fabric,

create a more equitable economy, and

ensure a better future for us all.

Of course, realizing this vision will

not be easy. If we’re going to meet this

moment—and end the current cycle of

failure and outrage—we need to take

collective action, and do so with ur-

gency. We also need to face the fact

that we need a new approach. Tweak-

ing a failed system won’t solve the

problems that have been exposed.

Minor adjustments—and even major

regulations—cannot restore trust or

create the kind of inclusive framework

that will take us where we need to go.

It is time to stop focusing on a re-

pair strategy. Instead, we must move

quickly and collaboratively to trans-

form how the internet works—and for

whom it works.B

Frank H. McCourt Jr. is a civic entrepreneur,

the chairman and chief executive officer of

McCourt Global, and the founder of Project


By Frank H.

McCourt Jr.


By rebuilding the web, we could repair the

social fabric, promote equality, strengthen our

democracy, andensure a better future for all.

illustration by The Pro

ject Twins
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