Daylighting: Natural Light in Architecture

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Host Street, Bristol

Architect and lighting design Jeremy Johnson-Marshall

Client Kinneir Dufort Design Ltd.

The majority of the Case Studies are examples
of new buildings, where the daylighting
strategy has been one of the important
determinants of the design. In the case of Host
Street, this was an existing nineteenth century
listed industrial building, where ‘new use’
demanded additional floor space in the roof
which had seen no daylight.
In the nineteenth century cane sugar had
been processed on the plantations and sent to
England as crude molasses, where it was
refined. Host Street is a typical industrial
building erected for this purpose, adjoining
the docks in the centre of the city. It has cast
iron columns supporting heavy timber floors,
and had been converted into offices, studios

and prototyping workshops for a firm of
industrial designers.
The top floor however was limited by a
1.7 m headroom below heavy roof truses, and
to gain the extra space required it was
decided to remove the existing roof and to
raise it, allowing the addition of an extra
floor. This created the opportunity, indeed
the necessity, to consider the entry of natural
light to the newly created floor areas.
The method adopted can be be seen in the
accompanying plans and sections. The new
roof matched the old at the front, but a glazed
gable was included at the rear, allowing
daylight to penetrate to the new floor areas.
The proposals permitted better daylight to

the new areas than that available to those
below. Due to the listed nature of the
buildings, these dramatic changes were the
subject of long discussions, but the final results
have achieved a working commercial building
retaining its open industrial spaces.
A series of photographs taken on
completion of the project clearly illustrate the
quality of the spaces, and the success of the
daylighting strategy adopted. Without the
careful consideration of the natural lighting
adopted this project would have been

98 Daylighting: Natural Light in Architecture

Original roof section. This shows the 1.7 m headroom

Jeremy Johnson-Marshall
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