Daylighting: Natural Light in Architecture

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

American Community School, Sports Centre

Architect and lighting design Studio E Architects

Client American Community School, Cobham

The sports complex at the American School in
Cobham is designed around two key areas : a
25 m pool and a sports hall to contain an
international size basketball court. In addition
a dance studio, fitness suite, cafe¤,and
administration areas are provided at ground
level, with changing rooms, and plant sunk at
a lower level.
The pool hall has a north-westerly
orientation, and this is exploited to allow for
full height glazing on three sides, which
provides both excellent daylighting and
dramatic views of the surrounding woodland.
The orientation avoids low-level sun
reflecting off the water resulting in a glare

source to spectators and lifeguards. The
daylighting consists of linear rooflights
alternating with trapezoidal rooflights which
permit sunlight directly into the pool. All
glazing to the pool is low emissivity clear
glass, to maximize daylight levels.
Whilst high levels of direct daylight are
ideal for the pool, the sports hall requires a
different approach, more controlled natural
light suitable for ball games, and where views
out are not justified. The roof form is similar
to the pool hall, but the specification for the
glazing is changed. The double glazed units use
a grey solar glass for the outside panes to
moderate the incoming light, and an

opalescent glass on the inside for diffusion,
even when the sun is shining directly on to it.
In addition clerestory windows and strip
windows inset into the fac° ade contribute to an
evenly lit space. Low level sun is controlled by
means of louvres to the perimeters of the pool
and sports hall roofs.
The primary entrance level is open and
transparent, with all spaces benefitting from
natural light, making the addition of artificial
light during the day unnecessary; whilst
double-volume circulation spaces open up the
changing-room level to allow natural light into
the deepest areas of the building.

156 Daylighting: Natural Light in Architecture

Site plan

Studio E Architects
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