Daylighting: Natural Light in Architecture

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Museum of Country Life, Ireland

Architects Office of Public Works, Dublin

Engineer Sutton Vane Associates, Lighting Design

Client Scroope Design, Dublin

The Museum of Country Life at Turlough
Park, Castlebar, in County Mayo is set in the
landscaped grounds of a large country house in
the West of Ireland, and as can be seen in the
photograph below, it has large windows along
the side elevations, in addition to the large
end glazing.
The brief to the lighting designers was to
utilize daylight, not so much to conserve
energy, although it would have some effect on
this, but to capitalize on the beautiful views
out to the landscape through the windows.
The museum is designed to stress the
importance of country life, so it is the setting
for the way of life that created the artefacts to
be shown in the museum. There was a desire
to allow as much daylight in to the building
consistent with the needs of conservation, so
that the natural variation of daylight could be
enjoyed, as it changes throughout the day and
the seasons.
The building has large windows to the
south-east and west, allowing both high levels
of daylight, and direct sun penetration.
The problem presented to the lighting
designer was therefore to provide an
impression of natural light throughout the
circulation areas of the building, whilst
controlling the levels of light within the
Several solutions were adopted: window
film was applied to virtually every window to
reduce the light levels overall, without
destroying the view and where views were
not important baffles were designed to direct
light away from the artefacts, to the ceiling.
To solve the problem of sun penetration on
the south and east elevations two-metre high
screens parallel to the windows were placed
in front of the display areas, giving the
opportunity to the exhibition designer to
create a low light level exhibition area within
the limitation of 50 lux.
The layout of the building shows how the
screens were placed, and this can be read in
conjunction with the section to illustrate the
the differentiation between the area lit by the
windows for circulation, and the display area
beyond with its low light level to ensure the
conservation of the artefacts.

168 Daylighting: Natural Light in Architecture

View of the interior to show the window space
contrasted with the low level display area

Exterior of the building

Sutton Vane Associates

Sutton Vane Associates
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