Daylighting: Natural Light in Architecture

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


Baker Fanchiotti and Steemers,Daylighting in Architecture, A European
Reference Book, James and James, 1993

Baker, Nick and Koen, Steemers,Daylight Design of Buildings, James and
James, 2002

Boyce, P.R., Human Factors in Lighting, Applied Science Publishers,
London, 1981

BRE, 1985,Lighting Controls and Daylight Use

Button, D. and Pye, B.,Glass in Buildings, A Guide to Modern Architecture
Glass Performance, Butterworth Architecture, 1993

Cuttle, Christopher,Lighting by Design, Architectural Press, Oxford, 2003

DETR,Desktop Guide to Daylighting, Good Practice Guide, 245

Evans, B.H.,Daylight in Architecture, McGraw-Hill, NY, 1981

Fuller Moore, Concepts and Practice of Architectural Daylighting, Van
Nostrand Reinhold, 1985

Gardner, C. and Hannaford, B.,Lighting Design. An introductory guide,
Design Council, London, 1993

Hopkinson, R.G., Petherbridge, P. and Longmore, J., Daylighting,
Heinemann, London, 1966

Hopkinson and Kay,The Lighting of Buildings, Faber & Faber, 1972

Kahn, Louis and the Kimbell Museum, Neil E. Johnson, Kimbell Art
Foundation,Light is the Theme, Fort Worth, Texas, 1975

Lam, William C.Sunlighting as Formgiver for Architecture, Van Nostrand
Reinhold, NY, 1986

Littlefair, P.J.,Daylight Sunlight and Lighting Control, BRE, 1980

Littlefair, P.J.,Average Daylight Factor. A simple basis for daylight design,
BRE, 1988

Loe, David and Mansfield, K.,Daylighting Design in Architecture, BRECSU/
BRE, 1998

Loe, David and Mansfield, K.P. Daylighting Design in Architecture,
BRECSU, Building Research Establishment, 1998

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