Daylighting: Natural Light in Architecture

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


The results are very encouraging, and meet the requirements of the
CIBSE Guidelines.
As expected the results for the upper level are slightly higher.
Whilst measurements were not taken directly up to the glazing line, it
is expected that the figure would be higher at this point.
The comparison of the model at the street lower level with the
subsequent computer results, shows acceptable agreement; 7 per cent
average below the North lights and 4 to 12 per cent over the office

50 Daylighting: Natural Light in Architecture

Plans of the grid layouts for the upper and lower levels. Natural
lighting contours measured by computer

Buro Happold

Grid layouts for the position of photocell measurements with readings
as follows: Street North End. Natural light levels. Lower and upper
levels. Office Floor. Natural light levels. Lower and upper levels

Buro Happold
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