The Scientist - USA (2021-12)

(Antfer) #1


Resolve Biosciences
Single-Cell Spatial
Analysis Service

Spatial biology addresses how cells function
in the context of tissues. While single-cell
sequencing methods have permitted many
advances in this field, they lack the resolu-
tion to provide 3D data at subcellular scales,
and involve destroying the tissue sample.
Resolve Biosciences’s Molecular Cartogra-
phy™ Single-Cell Spatial Analysis Service,
the second spatial genomics tool in this
year’s Top 10, instead offers fluorescence
in situ hybridization (FISH) to create high-
resolution images of what genes are
expressed—down to the subcellular level.
The mail-in service, launched June 2 in
North America and Europe, detects indi-
vidual RNA transcripts inside intact tissues.
“We can interrogate pretty much any tissue
you can put on the slide,” says company
CEO and cofounder Jason Gammack, adding
that the platform can analyze 24 samples

simultaneously. Costs depend on project
specifications, but most customers can gen-
erate sample data for around 4,000 euros,
he says. That includes a meeting with a cus-
tomer technology adviser to define project
scope and a sample prep kit in a return-mail
box. Researchers receive a summary report
and data on their chosen genes—the plat-
form lets researchers visualize up to 100—
in about four weeks; the adviser also helps
researchers interpret the data.
Jean-Christophe Marine of the VIB-KU
Leuven Center for Cancer Biology has used
the service through an initiative at his institu-
tion that supports early access to new tech-
nologies. “We are very satisfied by the data,”
says Marine, who studies intratumor het-
erogeneity in melanoma. “[The] vast major-
ity of the probes worked, and... you have a
nice resolution.” The service is well-priced, he
adds, although his team has only been able to
analyze mouse samples due to restrictions on
mailing human samples.
In the future, Resolve Biosciences plans
to make the whole Molecular CartographyTM
platform available for researchers to oper-
ate themselves. The company will expand

what types of molecules can be imaged,
too, Gammack says, with proteins up next.
“We’re actively developing that chemistry
right now.”

KAMDAR:"The technology has potential
to help researchers better understand human
brain development, cell type evolution, and
how the SARS-CoV-2 infection affects neigh-
boring cells over time."

Cardea Bio

Cardea Bio’s CRISPR-SNP-Chip is the first
device capable of detecting single base dif-
ferences in DNA without generating mil-
lions of copies of the DNA first. “We can do
DNA tests without the need of a DNA lab,”
explains Cardea CEO Michael Heltzen.
The latest of Cardea’s biological process-
ing units, or BPUs (analogous to the CPUs that
underlie computer technologies), the chip is
an updated version of the company’s CRISPR-
Chip™, which already allowed for rapid, ampli-
fication-free detection of large, disease-associ-
ated sequence variants and transgene insertion
success, among other applications, says Keck
Graduate Institute biomedical engineer and
Cardea Chief Scientific Officer Kiana Aran. She
explains that both versions are composed of a

CRISPR-Cas sys-
tem tethered to a
graphene transis-
tor. When the Cas
enzyme’s guide
RNA binds to the
correct sequence,
it pulls the DNA
closer to the tran-
sistor. Because
DNA is positively
charged, this gen-
erates an electronic
signal in the semi-
conductive graphene that can be digitally read.
“You let the biology do what it’s good at, and
then you sense it with our sensor,” says Aran.
“We use the power of biology as technology.”
Giving the chip the ability to detect
single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)

involved replacing the Cas enzyme with a
more sensitive version and upgrading the
data analysis, Aran notes. In an April paper,
the team demonstrated the updated chip’s
ability to detect SNPs that underlie sickle
cell anemia and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
(ALS), though the potential applications are
bounded only by creativity, the authors write.
Its most immediate use is for quality control
of gene editing for medicinal or agricultural
purposes, Aran says.
Those interested in using the chips can
apply for Cardea’s partnership program.
While the exact cost depends on the appli-
cation, Heltzen notes that the price per
chip has dropped to tens of dollars from
the thousands they were a few years ago.

HOCKBERGER: "Another game changer for
clinical diagnosis."







Gene expression in
the adult zebrafish
brain at subcellular
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