children and adolescents with diagnoses of adjustment disorder and depression. These effects
were assessed using a within subjects pre-test/post-test design and by comparison with a control
group of 20 depressed and adjustment disorder patients who watched a 1-h relaxing videotape.
The 1-h RT class consisted of yoga exercise, a brief massage and progressive muscle relaxation.
Decreases were noted in both self-reported anxiety and in anxious behavior and fidgeting as well
as increases in positive affect in the RT but not the video group. In addition, adjustment disorder
patients and a third of the depressed patients showed decreases in cortisol levels following RT,
while no changes were noted in the video group. Thus, both diagnostic groups appeared to benefit
from the RT class.
Pomerantz, Rachel, and Lisa Slède. Yoga and psychotherapy: A review of the literature.
Independent study, Santa Clara University, 2000. The authors may be contacted at
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psychotherapy. The Kripalu Spirit: A Journal of Consciousness, Summer 1994, 2(2):44-47.
Poornamurti Saraswati, Swami. Mantras: Keys to the psyche. Yoga (Australia edition), Nov
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Porkodi, K., S. Subramanian, and T. S. Kanaka. Effects of yoga and meditation in health and
disease. In Proceedings of the First National Conference on Yoga, Science and Society. Varanasi:
Benares Hindu University Press, 1979, pp. 104-106.
Power, Joyce. Yoga and mental health. Yoga Biomedical Bulletin, Winter 1996/1997, no. 33, p.
Powers, Sarah. Answers the question: “Lately during my yoga classes, I find myself feeling very
emotional. Several times I have felt my eyes fill up with tears during a pose. This has happened
even on good days. Why is this, and is it normal?” Yoga Journal. Article available online:
Pragya, Samani Mudit. Causes and remedy for anger. The Inner Light, Jul/Aug 1996, pp. 4-6.
Contents: Causes of anger, Effects of anger on body, Effects of anger on mind, Effects of anger
on consiousness, Effects of anger on behavior, Anger and disease, Ways for subsiding anger
Preece, Rob. Individuation or institution. In Rob Preece, The Noble Imperfection: The Challenge
of Individuation in Buddhist Life. Mudra Publications, 2005. Article available online:
“The evolution of Buddhism in the west reveals a division between those who wish to practice
within an organisation and those who attempt to follow a more individual journey. Many people I
have met through workshops, meditation courses or therapy express a now familiar question: is it
possible to develop a Buddhist practice without taking on the culture, personality and style of one
of numerous organisations? This dilemma seems to reflect a need to retain a sense of spiritual
individuality whilst learning a system of practice. It echoes a deeper dichotomy that individuality,
creativity and the development of organised religion do not always sit comfortable together.. .”