
(Tina Sui) #1

The author, whose spiritual practice combines Christianity and Zen meditation, explains how
meditation and Buddhist perspectives affect her work.

Urgyen Rinpoche, Tulku. Without center or limit: The space-like nature of mind. Shambhala
Sun, Mar 2001, pp. 26-32.

Vahia, N. S. Some ancient Indian concepts in the treatment of psychiatric disorders. British
Journal of Psychiatry, 1966, 112:1089-1096. (Psychotherapy and Yoga.)

___. A therapy based upon some concepts prevalent in India. Indian Journal of
Psychiatry, 1969, 11: 7 - 14. (Psychotherapy and Yoga.)

___, and Dinshaw R. Doongaji. Yoga. In Eric D. Wittkower and Hector Warnes, eds.
Psychosomatic Medicine: Its Clinical Applications. New York: Harper & Row, 1977, pp. 190-

Sections include: Conceptual foundations of yoga, Yama and niyama, Asana, pranayama, and
pratyahara, Dharana and dhyana, Samadi, Studies in the treatment of neuroses and psychosomatic

___, D. R. Doongaji, D. K. Deshmukh, S. L. Vinekar, H. C. Parekh, and S. N.
Kapoor. A reconditioning therapy based upon concepts of Patanjali. International Journal of
Social Psychiatry, 1972, 18:61-66.

___, D. R. Doongaji, and D. V. Jeste. Value of Patanjali’s concepts in the treatment of
Psychoneurosis. In S. Arieti, and G. Chrzanowski, eds., New Dimensions in Psychiatry: A World
View. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1975, pp. 293-304.

___, D. R. Doongaji, D. V. Jeste, et al. A deconditioning therapy based upon concepts
of Patanjali. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 1972, 18:61-66.

___, D. R. Doongaji, D. V. Jeste, , S. N. Kapoor, I. Ardhapurkar, and S.
Ravindranath. Further experience with the therapy based upon concepts of Patanjali in the
treatment of psychiatric disorders. Indian [possible International] Journal of Psychiatry, 1973,
15(1):32-40. Also in D. H. Shapiro, and R. N. Walsh, eds., Meditation: Classic and
Contemporary Perspectives. New York: Aldine Publishing, 1984, pp. 137-142.

___, D. R. Doongaji, D. V. Jeste, S. Ravindranath, S. N. Kapoor, and I.
Ardhapurkar. Psychophysiologic therapy based on the concepts of Patanjali: A new approach to
the treatment of neurotic and psychosomatic disorders. American Journal of Psychotherapy, Oct
1973, 27(4):557-565.

___, S. L. Vinekar, and D. R. Doongaji. Some ancient Indian concepts in the
treatment of psychiatric disorders. British Journal of Psychiatry, Nov 1966, 112(492):1089-1096.

Vajradhatu. The psychology of meditation. Excerpted from Garuda. Article available online:

Valerie, A., and M. V. Bhole. Yoga therapy of depressive syndromes: Some reflections. Yoga-
Mimamsa, 1990, 29(3): 43-49.

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