
(Tina Sui) #1

“I am schizophrenic, and Yoga Nidra helps me greatly. The drugs I hake have numerous and
strong side effects. But even after just a short time practicing the long Yoga Nidra, the side
effects have practically disappeared altogether. At the same time schizophrenia is very much
characterised by fear. But each time I use Yoga Nidra I experience the fear decrease little by

Yoga relief for special people. The Telegraph (Calcutta, India), 3 May 2005.

“In a small room, a middle-aged man lifts his hands up and signals to more than a dozen students.

“Similar gestures and signalling that follows ultimately translates into series of asanas and
postures in yoga. These gruelling sessions in yoga and meditation are for special students who
can neither hear nor speak.

“The classes were started by Ashu Rajendra, an ayurvedic expert and yoga therapist.

“Started in March this year, classes are held once every week at the Singhbhum District
Association for Deaf and Dumb in Kadma.. .”

Yoga stretches energy and enthusiasm. Spectrum, Jun 1995, no. 42, p. 20.

Results of a study that assessed the effects of three different techniques—relaxation, visualization
and yogic exercises—in enhancing an individual’s self-perception of his/her energy level and


Yoga therapy for psycho-complexities. Akhand Jyoti: The Light Divine, Nov/Dec 2004. Article
available online:

Yogendra, Jayadeva, ed. Psychogenic diseases. In Jayadeva Yogendra, ed., Cyclopaedia Yoga
Volume III: Stress and Mental Health, with Information on the Application of [the] Yogic
Approach in the Management of Stress, Psychosomatic and Psychogenic Diseases. Santacruz,
Bombay, India: The Yoga Institute, 1993, pp. 73-90. (Contains sections on neurosis/anxiety,
affective disorders/depression, and psychotic disorders/schizophrenia.)

YOU & ME (Yoga Opening Unfolding & Meaningful Experience) Yoga System. URL: See also in the “Videotapes” section below: Gunstone,

Maria. YOU & ME “Whole-Body-Movement” Teaching Video.

For persons with learning difficulties or disabilities and psychiatric or behavioral problems.

From the website: “The YOU & ME Yoga System of sound, colour and Whole-Body-Movement
is a unique system which has been devised to enable students of all abilities, both adults and
children with learning disabilities and sensory or physical impairments, to develop their potential
to the fullest extent possible. Sound is used to coordinate movement with breathing, and colour to
identify the various parts of the body which need to be strengthened and relate them to the

appropriate beneficial movements for the whole body.”

Ziji. The psychology of yoga instructions [for yoga-nidrâ]. Article available online:

Zopa Rinpoche, Lama Thubten. Dealing with depression. Mandala, Mar-May 2002, pp. 62-66.

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