Zuroff, D. C., and J. C. Schwarz. Effects of Transcendental Meditation and muscle relaxation
on trait anxiety, maladjustment, locus of control, and drug use. J Consult Clin Psychol, 1978,
Zysk, Kenneth G. Insanity. In Kenneth G. Zysk, Medicine in the Veda: Religious Healing in the
Veda with Translations and Annotations of Medical Hymns from Rgveda and the Atharvaveda
and Renderings from the Corresponding Ritual Texts. 2d ed. Delhi, India: Motilal Banarsidass,
1998, pp. 62-63. Available online from Books of India, [email protected].
Gunstone, Maria. YOU & ME “Whole-Body-Movement” Teaching Video. Lancashire, U.K.:
YOU & ME. 140 minutes. URL: http://www.youandmeyoga.com/teachingaids.htm.
From the website: “... designed for yoga practitioners, therapists, teachers, [caregivers] and
parents of persons with special educational needs or conditions such as Down’s Syndrome,
autism, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, spasticity, paralysis, visual, aural and speech impairment and
psychiatric and/or behavioural problems. It can be used with all ages and with people with a
range of developmental needs and abilities.
“The video was recorded at various special schools, adult training centres and residential homes
in the UK and Eire. Instruction is given by practitioners of the system using adaptations
appropriate to their students, and also by some of the more advanced students themselves. Even
those who normally show very little response demonstrate here how they are able to practise a
thorough programme for the whole body. The techniques shown on the video help to bring about
improved physical dexterity, coordination, and sensory awareness, and to make the students more
calm, relaxed and confident.”
Powers, Lisa. Yoga for Emotional Healing. Crystal Clarity Publishers, 2000. 65 minutes.
“... this video will show you how to use yoga postures and related practices to overcome anger,
anxiety, depression, hurt feelings, negativity, doubt, and a host of other emotional imbalances.
Special emphasis is given to postures that awaken the natural love of the heart... and to
cultivating experiences of the expansive, life-affirming joy of the true Self. In addition to
postures, instructor Lisa Powers shows you how to work with affirmations, breathing,
visualizations, and other techniques proven to aid healing.. .”
Satchidananda, Swami. Transcending Anger, Fear and Depression. Buckingham, Va.:
Non-Dual Wisdom and Psychotherapy Conference, June 9-11, 2000, Berkeley, California.
Tapes are available from Timeless Wisdom, John Wyn, 6014 Majestic Avenue Oakland, CA
94605, USA. Tapes are $10 each or $75 for the entire set. Mailing/handling is $2 per individual
tape or $10 for the set.