
(Tina Sui) #1

consensus among therapists and researchers on the best^ way to treat angry clients, and little
information exists to^ guide therapists in their work with specific angry populations.^ This paper
introduces various treatment approaches for working^ with clients exhibiting angry and aggressive
behaviors and provides^ a summary of current research findings in relation to the different^
psychological approaches to anger and aggression.^

Glenister, D. Exercise and mental health: A review. Journal of the Royal Society of
Health, 1996, 116:7-13.

Graham, Helen. Complementary Therapies in Context: The Psychology of Healing. Jessica
Kingsley, 1999.

Grof, Stanislav. Psychology of the Future: Lessons from Modern Consciousness Research. New
York: State University of New York Press, 2000.

“The goal in traditional psychotherapies is to reach an intellectual understanding as to how the
psyche functions, why symptoms develop, and what they mean. This understanding then
becomes the basis for developing a technique that therapists can use to treat their patients. A
serious problem with this strategy is the striking lack of agreement among psychologists and
psychiatrists concerning the most fundamental theoretical issues and the resulting astonishing
number of competing schools of psychotherapy.
“The work with holotropic states shows us a surprising radical alternative—mobilization of deep
inner intelligence of the clients that guides the process of healing and transformation. One of the
most important consequences of this new understanding of the therapeutic process is the
realization that many states, which modern psychiatry considers pathological and treats with
suppressive medication, are actually ‘spiritual emergencies,’ psychospiritual crises that have a
healing and transformative potential.

“Western materialistic science has no place for any form of spirituality and, in fact, considers it
incompatible with the scientific world view. The study of holotropic states shows that spirituality
is a natural and legitimate dimension of the human psyche and of the universal scheme of things.
However, Grof emphasizes that this statement applies to genuine spirituality and not to dogmas
and practices of organized religions.”

Innes, R. Personality Indicators and the Spiritual Life. Cambridge: Grove Books Ltd., 1996.

Ivanhoe Newswire. Alternative therapies becoming treatment of choice [for anxiety and
depression]. 26 Feb 2001. URL:

___. Are you depressed? Alexandria, Va.: Ivanhoe Newswire, Dec 2001. URL: For more information contact: Darlene Nipper, National Mental Health
Association, 1021 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314-2971, 703- 838 - 7547, depression-

“According to the National Mental Health Association, more than 19 million Americans suffer
from depression. In the wake of September's terrorists attacks, experts say that number will likely
increase. Although the illness can be effectively treated in 80 percent of all cases, only about 33
percent of sufferers ever seek help. Here is a confidential way to get a picture of your mental
health... To take the depression test, log onto”

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