
(Tina Sui) #1

Satori); Jain mysticism (Note on the conception of jivanmukti; Note on sannyasa—whether it is
essential for enlightenment); Sikh mysticism; Karma Yoga; Mantra Yoga; Tantric mysticism
(Techniques of the Tantras; Weak points and risks in the Tantric mysticism; Avadhutas and
aghauris; Kundalini Yoga; Summary—Sahaja Yoga; Kundalini experience

Asthana, H. S. Modern psychology and yoga psychology. Presidential address, Darshan
Parisad, 1964.

Atmananda, Swami. The psychology of Yoga. In Swami Atmananda, The Four Yogas: The
Four Paths to Spiritual Enlightenment (in the Words of Ancient Rishis). 2d ed. Bombay, India:
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 1991, pp. 95-108.

Contents: The principle of evolution; Creation or evolution?; Evolution in India and the West;
Principle of evolution; The great discoveries of Kapila; The gunas of the mind; Yogic
psychology; Purusha; Atman; Ahamkara; Maya; Why is maya incomprehensible?; Aim of yoga;
The “going in” in Yoga; Evolution in universe; The tanmatras; Purusha or atman or seer

Atmatattwananda, Sannyasi. Antar mouna. Yoga (Sivananda Math), May-Jun 2002, 1(3):12-20.

“Antar mouna is a powerful psychiatric tool with which we learn to understand and befriend the
mind, its tendencies and reactions that arise due to thoughts... Most importantly, we can learn to
develop and strengthen the drashta or the witness, the observer of all that happens. This allows
deep-rooted tensions, long forgotten painful memories, fears, hatreds and phobias to arise in a
relatively controlled manner and to be eradicated.. .”

Atre, Jaya A. Meditation for certain ailments through a yantra. In H. R. Nagendra, R.
Ragarathna, and S. Telles, Yoga Research & Applications: Proceedings of the 5th International
Conference on Frontiers in Yoga Research and Applications. Bangalore, Vivekananda Kendra
Yoga Research Foundation, 2000, pp. 289-290. (Helps to control “negative emotions like fear,
anger, depression, worry, etc.”)

Atreya, S. P. Personality in the light of yoga. Ph.D. dissertation, Benares Hindu University,
Varanasi, 1964.

Auriol, B. Prolégomènes à une togathérapie de groupe. 1970. Outline available online:

___. Yogathérapie et training autogène. Paper presented at 1st Congrès Mondial

de Sophrologie, Sofrologia Medica, Oriente - Occidente, Barcelona, 1-5 Oct 1970. In Les

Actes du Congrés. 3 vol. Barcelona: Aura Ed., T.1, pp. 275-279.

___. La yogathérapie de groupe: Une expérience en milieu psychiatrique. La Presse

Médicale, 21 Mar 1970, 78(14).

___. La yogathérapie de groupe: Indications et contre indications du’une nouvelle
technique somato-psychique. [Group yoga therapy: Indications and contraindications for a new
psychosomatic technique]. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 1972, 20(3&4):162-168. [In

Abstract: Dans ce travail, l’auteur, après avoir rappelé l’urgence d’une approche nondualiste de
l’organisme humain, même dans le domaine psychothérapique, indique les grandes lignes d’une

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