Project Finance: Practical Case Studies

(Frankie) #1

Chapter 3

TermoEmcali, Colombia

Type of project

Build-own-transfer, combined-cycle, gas-fired power plant.



Distinctive features

  • Infrastructure project generating local-currency revenues financed ‘out of the box’
    with bonds.

  • First power project in Colombia financed through Rule 144A private placement.

  • Longest-term bond issued to date for Colombian borrower.

  • Bond issue backed by commercial loan commitment.

  • No state guarantees or state-owned offtakers.

  • Obligations of private offtakers guaranteed by pledge of receivables.

  • Debt-service reserve and working capital account.

Description of financing

Senior secured notes in a principal amount of US$165 million with a 17-year maturity
were issued in 1997 under Rule 144A, underwritten by Bear Stearns. Project credit
facilities, underwritten by a group of commercial banks, led by Dresdner Kleinwort
Benson were:

  • US$13.2 million, five-year debt-service reserve letter of credit with a fee of 2.5 per
    cent per year and a margin over the London interbank offered rate (Libor) of 2.75
    per cent per year;

  • US$12.0 million working capital facility maturing no later than seven years from
    financial closing with a commitment fee of 0.5 per cent per year and a margin over
    Libor of 1.875 per cent per year; and

  • US$15.5 million, five-year project contract letters of credit with a fee of 2 per cent
    per year a margin over Libor of 2.625 per cent per year and a commitment fee of
    0.5 per cent per year.
    If the credit rating for the project changes, there is a provision for the spread over Libor
    of the project credit facilities, defined as the applicable spread, to change accordingly.

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