108 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics
12 2048 4095
13 4096 8191
14 8192 16383
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17 65536 131071
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21 1048576 2097151
22 2097152 4194303
23 4194304 8388607
24 8388608 16777215
25 16777216 33554431
26 33554432 67108863
27 67108864 134217727
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29 268435456 536870911
30 536870912 1073741823
31 1073741824 2147483647
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An alias, also called a reference, is a duplicate name of a defined variable.
In Chapter 2, we saw that an alias can be declared by stating, for example,
double a;
In this case,bis an alias ofa.
A function can receive a number of variables, and return an alias to one
of these variables. For example, the following function receives two integers and
returns a reference to the greater
int& maxalias(int& a, int& b)
return b;