120 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics
double V = potential(a, b);
cout << "Potential: " << V << endl;
string message = potential();
cout << message << endl;
return 0;
In this case, we implement the functionpotentialtwice, the first time with
two arguments and the second time with no arguments. The return of these
functions is also different, though this is not necessary for the functions to be
distinguished by the compiler.
4.8.1.Write a code that overloads twice a function of your choice.
4.8.2.Consider two functions with the same name and same arguments but
different return data types. Are these functions distinguishable?
4.9 Recursive calling
C++ functions are allowed to call themselves in a recursive fashion that is
reminiscent of a nested sequence.
For example, recursive function call can be used to compute the factorial
of an integern!=1·2 ̇...·n, as implemented in the following algorithm:
int factorial (int n)
int fact = 1;
return fact;
Recursive calling is ideal for computing self-similar objects such as fractals con-
taining an infinite cascade of geometrical patterns. On the down side, recursive
calling carries the risk of prolonged execution time.