Programming and Graphics

(Kiana) #1

156 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics

fruit(q, w, ..., e);

To abandon kiwi, we state

kiwi = ~fruit()

Accessor function

To query the members of the fruit class on their color, we introduce the
accessor member functionreadcolor. The class definition reads:

class fruit
fruit(q, w, ..., e);
string readcolor(a, b, ..., c) const;

The qualifierstringindicates that the functionreadcolorwill return a string
of characters in the form of a word or sentence describing the color. The qualifier
constindicates that the function is non-intrusive, that is, it is an accessor.

To read the color of kiwi, we state in the main program:

string chroma;
chroma = kiwi.readcolor (a, b, ..., c);

Mutator function

To convert one type of fruit into another, we introduce the mutator mem-
ber functionchange. The class definition reads:

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