Programming and Graphics

(Kiana) #1

162 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics

size = 1.2;

The implementation of the parametered constructor is:

fruit::fruit(string clr, string shp, float size)
color = clr;
shape = shp;
size = 2.3;

The implementation of the non-intrusivereadcolorfunction is:

string fruit::readcolor(bool Iprint) const
cout << color << endl;
return color;

The implementation of the mutatorchangecolorfunction is:

void fruit::changecolor(string clr)
color = clr;

The following main program defines and manipulates fruit class members:

int main()
bool Iprint = true;

fruit fig = fruit();
string figcolor = fig.readcolor(Iprint);
cout << figcolor << endl;

fruit apple = fruit("red", "round", 2.0);
string applecolor = apple.readcolor(Iprint);

applecolor = apple.readcolor(Iprint);

return 0;
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