Programming and Graphics

(Kiana) #1

6.8 Algebra on real numbers 169

void algebra::print() const
cout << x <<""<<color << endl;


void algebra::shift(double y)
color = setcolor(x+y);
x = x+y;

Following is a main program that uses the algebra class:

int main()
string chroma;

algebra A = algebra();
cout << A.get(chroma) << " " << chroma << endl;

algebra B = algebra(-0.9);


return 0;

Running this program produces on the screen:

0 white
0 white
-0.9 red
1.2 black

Two features are worth emphasizing:

  • Thegetfunction returns the value ofxthrough the functionreturn
    and passes the color through an argument endowed with the reference
    declarator (&).

  • Because the functionsetcolorhas been declared private, it cannot be
    called from the main program.

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