Programming and Graphics

(Kiana) #1

180 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics

The implementation of theprintfunction is:

void runner::print() const
cout<<name<<" Country: "<<country<<" time: "<<endl;

The main function is allowed to make any of the following calls:

  • Define a default runner R:

runner R=runner();

  • Read the properties of runner A:;

  • Print the properties of runner A:


  • Print the name of runner A and move to the next line:

cout<<A.getname() << endl;

  • Set and print the properties of runner B:

runner B = runner("Abdul", "Ethiopia", 9.00);

  • Print the country and the performance time of runner B on different lines:


  • Set the properties of runner C and print her time:

runner C("Dafela", "Ivory Coast", 9.40);
cout<<C.gettime()<< endl;

  • Introduce the default runner D and print his time:

D = runner();
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