7.6 Graph animation 231
return 0;
The three dots indicate previously listed blocks of code.
When the graph is drawn on the screen, the program waits for a key to
be pressedwhile the cursor is on the graphics window. When the “q” key is
pressed, the program issues a prompt for postscript drawing options and file
name. If any other key is pressed, the execution quits.
7.5.1. Run codeplot2dto produce a postscript file containing the graph of a
function of your choice.
7.5.2. Modify codeplot2dto allow for multiple functions printed on the same
graph with different colors.
7.6 Graph animation
As a further application, we discuss a code contained in the filegraph2danm.cc
that animates a specified time-dependent function:
Animate an evolving function
#include "VOGLE/voglec++.h"
#include "drawmarker2d.h"
#include "drawline2d.h"
#include "drawaxes2d.h"
using namespace std;
char kbd;
int main()
float points[4][2];
//--- Define the data:
const int n=32;