Programming and Graphics

(Kiana) #1

8.1 Glut 259


Draws a convexN-sided polygon defined by the vertices.


Nmust be even. Each pair of vertices defines a line segment.


Draws a closed polygonal line passing through theNvertices.


Each consecutive triplet of vertices defines a triangle, for a total ofT=
V/3 triangles, whereV is the number of vertices;V must be a multiple
of three.


Draws a connected group ofN−2 triangles. A triangle is defined by any
three successive vertices.


Draws a connected group ofN−2 triangles. A triangle is defined by the
first vertex and consecutive pairs of subsequent vertices.


Each consecutive quadruplet of vertices defines a quadrilateral, for a total
ofQ=V/4 elements, whereV is the number of vertices;V must be a
multiple of four.


Draw a connected group ofQ=V/ 2 −1 quadrilaterals, whereV is the
number of vertices;V must be even. A quadrilateral is defined by any
two successive vertex pairs. For example, whenV= 4, one quadrilateral
is drawn.

Functions defining vertices include, but are not limited to:

glVertex2f glVertex2d
glVertex3f glVertex3d
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