Programming and Graphics

(Kiana) #1

9.5 Transferring data fromMatlabto the C++ domain 307

Matrix determinant and square

The following code contained in the defines a matrix in
the C++ domain, callsMatlabto compute the determinant and the matrix
square, and transfers the results back to the C++ domain:

#include <iostream>
#include "engine.h"
using namespace std;

int main()
const int BSZ=256;
char BuFFer[BSZ];

//--- Define a matrix in C++:

const shortN=2;
double x[N][N] ={{1.0, 2.0},
{4.0, 3.0}};

//--- Start an engine session:

Engine * oliver = engOpen("matlab12 -nojvm -nosplash");
engOutputBuffer(oliver, BuFFer, BSZ);

//--- Define a character buffer:

const int BufSIZE=256;
char buFFer[BufSIZE];
engOutputBuffer(oliver, buFFer, BufSIZE);

//--- Transfer the matrix x to matlab as xm:

mxArray * xm = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(N, N, mxREAL);
memcpy((void *)mxGetPr(xm), (void *)x, sizeof(x));
engPutVariable(oliver, "xm", xm);

//--- Evaluate and print the determinant:

engEvalString(oliver, "determinant = det(mat)");
cout << BuFFer;

//--- Retrieve the determinant:

mxArray * det = engGetVariable(oliver, "determinant");
double * orizousa = mxGetPr(det);
cout << *orizousa << endl;
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