Programming and Graphics

(Kiana) #1

F.8Matlabgraphics 359

text Text annotation
title Graph title
xlabel x-axis label
ylabel y-axis label
zlabel z-axis label for three-dimensional plots

Graphics control

capture Screen capture of current figure in UNIX
clf Clear current figure
close Abandon figure
figure Create a figure in a new graph window
gcf Get handle to current figure
graymon Set default figure properties for gray-scale monitors
newplot Determine correct axes and figure for new graph
refresh Redraw current figure window
whitebg Toggle figure background color

Axis control

axes Create axes at arbitrary position
axis Control axis scaling and appearance
caxis Control pseudo-color axis scaling
cla Clear current axes
gca Get handle to current axes
hold Hold current graph
ishold True if hold is on
subplot Create axes in tiled positions

Graphics objects

figure Create a figure window
image Create an image
line Generate a line
patch Generate a surface patch
surface Generate a surface
text Create text
uicontrol Create user interface control
uimenu Create user interface menu

Table F.8.1Elementary and specializedMatlabgraphics functions and proce-
dures. Continued on next page.

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