Programming and Graphics

(Kiana) #1

36 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics

and the array of strings:

string A[9][38];

Successiverowsof a matrix are stored in consecutive memory blocks.

Data structures

Consider a group ofMobjects,

o 1 ,o 2 ,...,oM,

p 1 ,p 2 ,...,pN,

and denote thejth property of theith object by:


The individual properties of the objects can be accommodated in a data
structure defined, for example, as:

struct somename
int p1;
float p2;
double p3;
double p4;
o1, o2, o3;

Alternatively, we may define a data structure in terms of the properties
alone by declaring:

struct somename
int p1;
float p2;
double p3;
double p4;

and then introduce members by declaring:

somename o1;
somename o2, o3;

Objects and properties are threaded with a dot (.) into variables that
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