Programming and Graphics

(Kiana) #1

3.4 Keyboard and monitor 67

cout<<"\nThe Greatest Common Divisor is: "<<k<<endl

goto again;

cout<<"\n Thank you for your business\n";
return 0;

The text directive “\t” in the secondcoutcommand and elsewhere emulates
theTabkey. A typical session follows:

Will compute the Greatest Common Divisor
of two positive integers

Please enter the first integer
0 quit
34 12

Please enter the second integer
0 quit

The Greatest Common Divisor is: 2

Please enter the first integer
0 quit

Thank you for your business


3.4.1.Write a program that receives from the keyboard a vector with three
elements consisting of characters, and prints them on the screen.

3.4.2.Write a program that receives your first and last name as a single string
from the keyboard, and prints it on the screen.

3.4.3.Write a code that receives from the keyboard an integer and assesses
whether it is even or odd based on the modulo operator.

3.4.4.Write a statement that sounds a beep by (a) printing an ASCII charac-
ter, and (b) printing a code.

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