70 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics
double result; // Resulting value
char oper; // Operator
cout << "Please enter: a (+-*/) b, and hit return" << endl;
while (cin >> left >> oper >> right)
switch (oper)
case ’+’: result = left + right; break;
case ’-’: result = left - right; break;
case ’*’: result = left * right; break;
case ’/’: result = left / right; break;
default : cout << "Bad operator ’" << oper << "’" << endl;
continue; // Start next loop iteration.
cout << "="<< result << endl << "another (q to quit): "
<< endl;
return 0;
The program performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in a
text mode.
3.5.1.Discuss whether the statement
y = pow(x, pow(a, b) );
is equivalent to the statement
y = pow(x, a*b);
3.5.2.Investigate by numerical experimentation the action of theceiland
3.5.3.Add to the calculator the exponential and the logarithm buttons.
3.6 Readfromafileandwritetoafile
We have learned how to read data from the keyboard and write data to the
screen. To read data from a file and write data to a file, we use the intrinsic