3.7 Formatted input and output 75
prints on the screen the pattern:
The code:
cout << setfill(’-’) << setw(20) << "-" <<endl;
cout << setfill(’.’) << setw(20) <<""<<endl;
cout << setfill(’=’) << setw(15) << "Thank you"
<< setw(5) << ""<< endl;
cout << setfill(’.’) << setw(20) <<""<<endl;
cout << setfill(’-’) << setw(20) <<""<<endl;
prints on the screen the pattern:
======Thank you=====
Table 3.7.1 presents I/O manipulators with brief descriptions. Some of
these manipulators apply to only one read or write, whereas others apply per-
manently until reset.
Formatting can also be implemented by the manipulators
For example, the property attributeproperty1can befixedorscientific
(referring to notation),showpoint, or other. Thus, the commands:
cout << setprecision(5) << setw(10);
cout << setiosflags(ios::scientific);
cout << pi << endl;
produce the output: