The China Study by Thomas Campbell

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This discussion still leaves unanswered the question of how industry
develops such extraordinary influence. Mostly, industry develops con-
sultancies with a few publicly visible figures in academia, who then take
leadership in policy positions outside of academia. However, these in-
dustry consultants continue to wear their academic hats. They organize
symposia and workshops, write commissioned reviews, chair expert
policy groups and/or become officers of key professional societies. They
gravitate toward the leadership positions in science-based organizations
that develop Significant policy and publicity.
Once in these positions, these people then have the opportunity
to assemble teams to their liking, by choosing committee members,
symposia speakers, management staff, etc. The kinds of people most
helpful to the team are either colleagues with similar prejudices and/or
colleagues who are oblivious to who is "calling the shots." It's called
"stacking the deck," and it really works.
In the case of the FNB, its panel was organized while under the chair-
manship of an academic who had strong personal ties with the dairy
industry. He helped in selecting the "right" people and helped in setting
the agenda for the report, the most Significant roles that anyone could
have played. Is it surprising that the dairy industry, which must be ec-
static with the panel's findings, also helped to finance the report?
You might be surprised to learn that academic scientists can receive
personal compensation from industry while Simultaneously undertak-
ing government-sponsored activities of considerable public importance.
Ironically, they can even help set the agenda for the same government
authorities who have long been restricted from such corporate associa-
tions. It is a huge "conflict-of-interest" loophole allowing industries to
exercise their influence through the side door of academia. In effect, the
entire system is essentially under the control of industry. The govern-
ment and academic communities, playing their respective roles, mostly
do as they are expected to do.
In addition to M&M Mars company, the corporate sponsors of the
FNB report also included major food and drug companies that would
benefit from higher protein and sugar allowances.^2 The Dannon Insti-
tute, a leading dairy-based consortium promoting its own brand of nu-
trition information, and the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI),
which is a front group for about fifty food, supplement and drug compa-
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