Ultimately, though, the head of the hospital proved to be just as dif-
ficult. John reflected on the situation with his wife. He was supposed to
renew his contract with the hospital in a couple of weeks, and he decid-
ed not to do it. He left on cordial terms, and to this day he does not hold
personal grudges. He just explains it by saying that their directions in
life were different. John would prefer to remember St. Helena for what it
was: a good home to him for sixteen years, but a place nonetheless that
was "just into that whole drug money thing."
Now,lohn runs a highly successful "lifestyle medicine" program with
his family's help, writes a popular newsletter that he makes freely avail-
able Chttp://www.drmcdougall.com), organizes group trips with past
patients and new friends and has more time to go windsurfing when the
wind picks up on Bodega Bay. This is a man with a wealth of knowledge
and qualifications, who could benefit the health of millions of Ameri-
cans. He has never been challenged by any of his colleagues for physi-
cian "misbehavior," and yet the medical establishment does not want
his services. He is reminded of this fact all the time:
Patients will come in with rheumatoid arthritis. They'll be in
wheelchairs, they can't even turn the key on their car. And I'll
take care of them and three or four weeks later, they'll go back to
see their doctor. They'll walk up to their doctor, grab their hand
and shake it hard. Doctor will say, "Wonderful." The patient, all
excited, will say, "Well, I want to tell you what I did. I went to
see this Dr. McDougall, I changed my diet, and now my arthritis
is gone." Their doctor simply responds, "Oh my goodness. That's
great. Whatever you're dOing, just keep doing it. I'll see you later."
That's always the response. It's not, "Please, my god, tell me what
you did so I can tell the next patient." It's, "Whatever you're doing,
that's just great." If the patient starts to tell them they changed to a
vegetarian diet, the doctor will cut in with, "Yeah okay, fine, you're
really a strong person. Thanks a lot. See you later." Get them out
of the office as qUickly as they can. It's very threatening ... very
Back in Ohio, Dr. Esselstyn retired from active surgery in June of 2000
and assumed the position of preventive cardiology consultant in the de-
partment of general surgery at the Cleveland Clinic. He has continued