The China Study by Thomas Campbell

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Chapter 16

  1. Food and Nutrition Board, and Institute of Medicine. "Dietary reference intakes for energy,
    carbohydrates, fiber, fat, fatty acids, cholesterol, protein, and amino acids (macronutrients)."
    Washington, DC: The National Academy Press, 2002. Accessed at http://www.nap.eduJ
    catalogll0490.html? onpi_newsdoc090502

  2. National Academy of Sciences. Press Release. "Report offers new eating and physical activity
    targets to reduce chronic disease risk." Sept. 5, 2002. Washington, DC: National Research
    Council, Institute of Medicine. Accessed at http://www4.nationalacademies.orglnews.nsC!
    isbnl03090B53 73 ?OpenDocument

  3. Wegmans Company. Recipe and nutrient facts. Accessed 2003. Available from http://

  4. U.S. Department of Agriculture. "USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference." Wash-
    ington, DC: U.s. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Research Service, 2002. Accessed at

  5. The RDA has been expressed as a Singular quantity of protein, as O.B grams of protein per
    kilogram of body weight. Assuming a daily intake of 2,200 calories for a 70 kg person, this
    O.B grams is equivalent to about 10-11% of total calories: 70 kg X O.B gmlkg X 4 caVgm X
    112200 cal X 100 z 10.2%

  6. Wright JD, Kennedy-Stephenson J , Wang CY, et al. "Trends in Intake of Energy and Macro-
    nutrients - United States, 1971-2000." Morbidity and mortality weekly report 53 (February 6,
    2004): 80-82.

  7. Boseley S. "Sugar industry threatens to scupper WHO." The Guardian April 21 , 2003
    B. Brundtland GH. "Sweet and sour; The WHO is accused by the sugar industry of giving un-
    scientific nutrition advice. But its recommendations are based on solid evidence, says Gro
    Harlem Brundtland." New Scientist, May 03,2003: 23.

  8. International Life Sciences Institute. ILSI North America. Accessed February 13 , 2004. Avail-
    able from

  9. Kursban M. Commentary: conflicted panel makes for unfit guidelines. Physicians Committee
    for Responsible Medicine. AccessedJune, 2003. Available from http://www.pcrm.orglhealthl

  10. Chaitowitz S. Court rules against USD~ secrecy and failure to disclose conflict of interest in set-
    ting nutrition policies. Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. AccessedJanuary 27,

  11. Available from http://www.pcrm.orglnewsihealth001002.html.

  12. I have been for several years on the science adviSOry board of PCRM.

  13. National Academy of Sciences, and Institute of Medicine. "Dietary Reference Intakes for
    Energy, Carbohydrates, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids [sum-
    mary statementl." Washington, DC: National Academy Press, September, 2002.

  14. National Institutes of Health. February 2004. Accessed at

  15. National Institutes of Health. "National Institutes of Health. Summary of the FY 2005 Presi-
    dent's Budget." February 2,2004. Accessed at

  16. National Institutes of Health. NIH Disease Funding Table: Special Areas of Interest. Accessed
    August IB, 2003. Available from

  17. Calculated from NIH Disease Funding Table: Special Areas of Interest. See previous reference.
    lB. National Cancer Institute. "FY 1999 Questions and Answers provided for the record
    for the FY 1999 House Appropriations Subcommitee." July 15, 2003. Accessed at http:

  18. National Cancer Institute. FY 2001 Congressional Justification. Accessed March 2, 2004. Avail-
    able from

  19. Angell M. "The pharmaceutical industry-to whom is it accountable?" New Engl.]. Med. 342
    (2000): 1902-1904.

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