The China Study by Thomas Campbell

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academia, 311-13
acrylamide, 235
additives, food, 253
adverse drug reactions, 16, 335
affluence, diseases of. See diseases of
aflatoxin, 5,236
binding to DNA, 51-53
children, 36
in com, 35-36
foci development, 54,59
liver cancer, 21, 35-36, 49
low-protein diet, 53
in peanuts and peanut butter, 35-36
protein, 51-59
tumor development, 60-61
Agriculture, United States Department
Alar, 43
alcohol, 281
alternative medicine, 252, 334
Alzheimer's disease, 218-22
See also cognitive impairment
American Cancer Society, 263-64, 267
American Council on Science and Health
American Diabetes Association, 152

American Heart Association, 131
American Institute for Cancer Research
(AICR), 261-67
American Meat Institute, 290
amino acids, 29-30
aminotriazole, 44
Anderson,james, 151, 154
Angell, Marcia, 316-17, 333-34
angina, 113
angioplasty, 122, 124
animal-based diet, 21, 28
antioxidants, 92
blood cholesterol, 77-78, 80-81
breast cancer, 85-89, 285
calorie consumption, 367
comparison with plant-based
diet, 358
diabetes, 149-50
dietary fat, 83, 86
government promotion of, 258
heart disease, 11 7-19
historical baSis, 344-45
hormones (reproductive), 88, 160 ,
IGF-l (Insulin-like Growth Factor
1), 179
large bowel cancer, 170 , 170-71
nutrition, 230, 230-32
prostate cancer, 178
tumor development, 66-67
in the United States, 274, 276-78

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