The China Study by Thomas Campbell

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Chittenden, Russell, 24
cholesterol. See blood cholesterol; dietary
Chou EnLai, 69
CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), 296-99
Cleveland Clinic, 125, 322-24, 338-41
Coca-Cola, 312
cognitive impairment, 3, 218-22, 349
Cold is Cool, 293
colon cancer. See large bowel cancer
colonoscopy, 168, 175-76
color (of fruits and vegetables), 92-93
colorectal cancer. See large bowel cancer
Committee on Nutrition, United States
Senate Select, 83
complex carbohydrates, 98
conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), 296-99
constitutional nature of disease,
corn, 35-36
Cornell University, 32
coronary bypass surgery, 122, 123-24
coronary heart disease. See heart disease
correlation study deSign, 353-59
correlations, 39-40
See also disease associations
Council on Agriculture, Science and
Technology (CAST), 260-61
Crile, George, Jr., 322
crytoxanthins, 93
cyclamates, 44

dairy foods
autoimmune diseases, 199-201
osteoporosis, 204-5, 208-10
prostate cancer, 3, 178
vitamin D, 179-81
See also animal-based diet; casein;
dairy industry, 209-10, 255-68, 290-98,
See also food industry
Dairy Management, Inc., 291-98
Dannon Institute, 311, 328
Dannon Yogurt, 312

Danone Group, 289
DBMA (7, 12-dimethybenz(a)anthracen
e), 65
DDT, 44
death, 15-16, 16
death rates
breast cancer, 275
cancer, 13, 70-71, 71
in China, 70-71
heart disease, 111-12, 115-17, 116
large bowel cancer, 169, 169
multiple sclerosis, 196
in the United States, 79,111-12
Demas, Antonia, 317-18
dementia, 218-22
Department of Agriculture, 28
about, 14-15, 145-48
alcohol, 281
among Japanese, ISO
blood cholesterol, 149-55, 152, 154
carbohydrates, 149-55
children, 187-94
costs of, 148
diet and nutrition, 3, 148, 149-55,
dietary fat, 149-55
in Finland, 188, 191
genetic predisposition to, 188-90
immune system, 187
large bowel cancer, 174
lifestyle changes, 153-55
milk, 187-94, 190
rates of, 145, 148
risk factors, 189
scientific controversy, 192-94
scientific studies, 149-53, 188-97
Seventh-day Adventists, 149-50
in the United States, 15, 189
viruses, 190
weight, 149
See also autoimmune diseases;
diseases of affluence
diet. See nutrition; specific diets
Diet, Nutrition and Cancer (NAS report),
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