(Ann) #1

406 • Index

theory of religious mobilization,
vocabulary of economics, 161–62
Stoker, Bram, 187
Street’s Infant Quietness, 15
suicide-terrorism. See shaheeden
superego, 335
supply-side economics, 4, 165, 166
“A Supply-Side Reinterpretation of the
‘Secularization’ of Europe” (Stark and
Iannaccone), 165
symbolic interactionism, 1
symbolic power, 246
Syria, 310

Taliban, 285, 321, 340
Talmudic Judaism, 215
“tamed death,” 181
Tamerlane, 306
Tamil Tigers, 324
Taylor, Charles, 197
technical rationality, 175
television evangelists, 97
temperance movement, 13
Temple of Jerusalem, 208
The Terman Ideology(Marx), 32
terrorism, 323–25
as action of “heroic warrior,” 329–30
a weapon against militarily superior
power, 324
Tertullian, 232
thanatology (death studies), 5
and critical theory, 185–88
defined, 186
and postmodernism, 188–91
theodicy, 67–68, 78, 105
Theodosius I, 241
and agnosticism, 79–80
inverse cipher theology, 65–66, 68, 71,
81, 103
and metaphysics, 69–70
mystical theology, 77
negative theology, 64–65, 143–45
as theodicy, 67–68
Theweleit, Klaus, 329
Third World War, 90
Thomas, Martin Luther, 87–89, 90, 91,
92, 93–94, 95, 232
Thomistic neo-Aristotelianism, 53
Tillich, Paul, 65, 87, 119
Tilton, Jeff, 260
Timurids, 306
totalitarianism, 72–73, 290
traditional death, 181–82, 188
accursed, 182

attitudes toward, 5
“bad death,” 182
mediated by religious authorities and
proscribed rituals of mourning,
ultimately the responsibility of the
community, 199
view of a prototypical “good death,”
traditionalism, 2
traditional theory. Seepositivism
transcendence, 71, 244
transformative fundamentalists, 321
transnational corporate interests, 125
trauma, and religiosity, 6, 350–51
treaty of Nanking, 16
“true religion,” 28
trust, as foundational element of
rational choice-making, 226
Tullock, Gordon, 225
Turcan, Robert, 238
Turkey, 297, 302
enforced democratization, 310
as exemplar of Islamic modernity,
Kemalist revolution, 296, 302, 309, 339
status of women, 314
Turkish Exceptionalism, 294, 339
Turkish Janessaries, 294
Turkish Ottomans, 302
Turner, Bryan, 298
Turner, Denys, 19
Twelve Apostles, 232
ulamma, 311
Ultimate Reality, 65
ultra Orthodox Jews, 321
Umar, 302, 312
Umayyads, 305
umma, 302
Uthman, 302, 312
and choice, 228
erosion of, 292, 317
pluralism, 190
rationality, 210, 219, 222
Venezuela, 96
vertrationalgoods, 335
Vienna Circle of Logical Positivists, 71,
Aeneid, 35
role as a guide, 38–39
Voltaire, Francois de, 74
von Friedeburg, Ludwig, 75, 101–2
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