(Ann) #1
Index • 407

Wacker, Grant, 319–20
Wahabism, 338
Wakefield, E. G., 51
Walter, Tony, 5, 200
conception of modernity, 195
favors the postmodern over the late
modern death, 184
on modern death, 183
on neo-modern death, 183
possible authoritarian danger of
expressive individualism, 186
on postmodern death, 186, 195,
The Revival of Death, 180
topology of attitudes and practices
accompanying dying and death,
179, 181
traditional response to death, 181–82
Western society paradoxically denies
and affirms death, 188
Watson, James, 182
weapons of mass destruction, 113
Weber, Marianne, 223
Weber, Max, 123, 205
ancient Israel as marked by a conflict
between the Baal cult in the North
and the prophets and priests in the
South, 210
asceticism as necessary and sufficient
basis for early capitalism, 295
concept of instrumental rationality, 4,
cultural barriers to rational
modernization in Hinduism
and Confucianism, 294
on disenchantment of modern world,
distinction between value and
purposive social action, 157
early version of secularization theory,
interpretive contexts of belief, 250–51
as Islam, 335
on Islam, 297–98
on polytheism of modern society, 74
positivism, 71, 106

on prophets of doom, 209
Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of
Capitalism,228–29, 244
religion and distribution of fortunes,
religion as a theodicy that explained
inequalities, 67, 322–23
underprivileged have greater need for
salvation, 344
understanding of reason, 158
use of term “plebeian” in the context
of antiquity, 219
on Western Christendom fostering of
rational economic action, 293, 303
Zwischenzeit, 207
“white man’s burden,” 331
Wilson, John, 259–60
Wilson, William Julius, 350
“wise-women,” 242
witch persecutions, 242
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 252
Wolfart, Johannes, 200
Wolff, Edward N., 124
Wolff, Robert Paul, 54
status of in Muslim societies, 314–15
“wise-women,” 242
work in factories, 16
working class
and rational choice theory, 125
standard of living among, 16
“world religions,” 28
Wright, Bonnie, 5
Young, Bill, 191
Young, John, 260
youth culture, 338
Zarqawi, Abu Musab al-, 326
Zawahiri, Al Ayman, 326
Zealots, 217, 220, 221
Zedekiah, 212
“zenolalia,” 265
Zoroastrianism, 237
zweckrationalgoods, 335, 336
Zwischenzweit, 207
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