Simulink Control Design™ - MathWorks

(Tuis.) #1

How PID Autotuning Works

To use PID autotuning, configure and deploy one of the PID autotuner blocks, Closed-Loop
PID Autotuner or Open-Loop PID Autotuner.

Autotuning Process

The PID autotuner blocks work by performing a frequency-response estimation
experiment. The blocks inject test signals into your plant and tune PID gains based on an
estimated frequency response.

The following schematic diagram illustrates generally how a PID autotuner block fits into
a control system.

Until the autotuning process begins, the autotuner block relays the control signal directly
from u to the plant input at u+Δu. In that state, the module has no effect on the
performance of your system.

When the autotuning process begins, the block injects a test signal at u out to collect
plant input-output data and estimate frequency response in real time.

  • If you use the Open-Loop PID Autotuner block, the block opens the feedback loop
    between u and u+Δu for the duration of the estimation experiment. It injects into u
    +Δu a superposition of sinusoidal signals at frequencies [1/3, 1, 3, 10]ωc, where ωc is

8 PID Autotuning

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