PID Autotuning in Real Time
To use the PID autotuning algorithm in a standalone application for real-time tuning
against your physical plant, you must deploy the PID autotuner block into your own
system. To do so, you create a Simulink model for deployment. You can configure this
model with the experiment and tuning parameters. Or, you can configure it to supply such
parameters externally from elsewhere in your system. Once deployed to your own system,
the autotuner model injects signals into your plant and receives the plant response,
without using Simulink to control the tuning process. Deploying the PID autotuning
algorithm requires a code-generation product such as Simulink Coder.
As an alternative, you can tune in real time against your physical plant while using
Simulink to control the experiment. For more information, see “Control Real-Time PID
Autotuning in Simulink” on page 8-27.
In overview, the workflow for deploying a PID autotuning algorithm for real-time tuning
(^1) Create a Simulink model on page 8-18 for deploying a PID autotuner block into your
(^2) Configure the start/stop signal on page 8-21 that controls when the tuning
experiment begins and ends. After deployment, you can use this signal to initiate the
PID autotuning process at any time.
(^3) Specify controller parameters on page 8-22 such as controller type and the target
bandwidth for tuning.
(^4) Configure experiment parameters on page 8-23 such as the amplitudes of the
perturbations injected during the frequency-response experiment.
(^5) Deploy the model to your system, and initiate the autotuning process on page 8-23
against your physical plant. You can validate closed-loop performance in real time.
In practice, for real-time tuning, you might want to specify some parameters at run time,
such as the target bandwidth or perturbation amplitudes. For information about
specifying parameters in your deployed application, see “Access Autotuning Parameters
After Deployment” on page 8-24.
PID Autotuning in Real Time