Simulink Control Design™ - MathWorks

(Tuis.) #1

You can also specify custom cost and constraint functions for optimization, using the
Custom Optimization Functions parameters. For more information, see “Compute
Operating Points Using Custom Constraints and Objective Functions” on page 1-78.

Programmatically Change Optimization Settings

To configure the optimization settings for computing operating points using the findop
function, create a findopOptions option set. For example, create an option set and
specify a nonlinear least-squares optimization method.

options = findopOptions('OptimizerType','lsqnonlin');

To specify options for each optimization method, set the OptimizationOptions
parameter of the options set to a corresponding structure created using the optimset

To specify custom cost and constraint functions for optimization, create an operspec
object and specify the CustomObjFcn, CustomConstrFcn, and CustomMappingFcn
properties. For more information, see “Compute Operating Points Using Custom
Constraints and Objective Functions” on page 1-78.

See Also

findop | findopOptions | operspec

Linear Analysis Tool | Steady State Manager

See Also
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