mdl = 'scdDCMotor';
Perform Batch Linearization
The goal of the controller is to provide tracking to step changes in reference angular
For this example, the physical constants for the motor are:
- R = 2.0 +/- 10% Ohms
- L = 0.5 Henrys
- Km = 0.1 Torque constant
- Kb = 0.1 Back emf constant
- Kf = 0.2 Nms
- J = 0.02 +/- .01 kg m^2/s^2
Note that parameters R and J are specified as a range of values.
To design a controller which will work for all physical parameter values, create a
representative set of plants by sampling these values.
For parameters R and J, use their nominal, minimum, and maximum values.
R = [2,1.8,2.2];
J = [.02,.03,.01];
To create an LTI array of plant models, batch linearize the DC motor plant. For each
combination of the sample values of R and J, linearize the Simulink model. To do so,
specify a linearization input point at the output of the controller block and a linearization
output point with a loop opening at the output of the load block as shown in the model.
9 Classical Control Design