Find Nominal Operating Point and Linearize Model
The model initial state values are defined in the Simulink model. Using these state values,
find the steady-state operating point using the findop function.
Create an operating point specification where the state values are known.
opspec = operspec(mdl);
opspec.States(1).Known = 1;
opspec.States(2).Known = 1;
opspec.States(3).Known = [1;1];
Adjust the operating point specification to indicate that the inputs must be computed and
that they are lower-bounded.
opspec.Inputs(1).Known = [0;0]; % Inputs unknown
opspec.Inputs(1).Min = [0;0]; % Input minimum value
Add an output specification to the operating point specification; this is necessary to
ensure that the output operating point is computed during the solution process.
opspec = addoutputspec(opspec,[mdl '/Boiler'],1);
opspec.Outputs(1).Known = 0; % Outputs unknown
opspec.Outputs(1).Min = 0; % Output minimum value
Compute the operating point, and generate an operating point search report.
[opSS,opReport] = findop(mdl,opspec);
Operating point search report:
Operating point search report for the Model Boiler_Demo.
(Time-Varying Components Evaluated at time t=0)
Operating point specifications were successfully met.
(1.) Boiler_Demo/Boiler/Steam volume
x: 5.6 dx: 7.85e-13 (0)
(2.) Boiler_Demo/Boiler/Temperature
x: 180 dx: -5.93e-14 (0)
(3.) Boiler_Demo/Observer/Internal
x: 0 dx: 0 (0)
Regulate Pressure in Drum Boiler