bodeplot(sys1,'k',sys2,'r',sys3,'g', {1e-2,1e2},p);
legend('Continuous Model','Ts = 0.1','Ts = 0.25','Location','SouthWest');
Using the model with the slowest sample time, redesign the compensator using the
techniques in the example "Single Loop Feedback/Prefilter Design". This gives the
following PI Gains:
set_param('scdspeed_compdelay/PID Controller','P','0.00065912');
set_param('scdspeed_compdelay/PID Controller','I','0.001898342');
Simulate the resulting closed loop system with a sample time Ts = 0.25:
Tc = simout.time;
Yc = simout.signals.values;
9 Classical Control Design