How Tuned Simulink Blocks Are Parameterized
Blocks With Predefined Parameterization
When you tune a Simulink model, either with Control System Tuner or at the command
line through an slTuner interface, the software automatically assigns a predefined
parameterization to certain Simulink blocks. For example, for a PID Controller block set
to the PI controller type, the software automatically assigns the parameterization Kp +
Ki/s, where Kp and Ki are the tunable parameters. For blocks that have a predefined
parameterization, you can write tuned values back to the Simulink model for validating
the tuned controller.
Blocks that have a predefined parameterization include the following:
Simulink Library Blocks with Predefined
Math Operations Gain
Continuous • State-Space
- Transfer Fcn
- Zero-Pole
- PID Controller
- PID Controller (2DOF)
Discrete • Discrete State-Space - Discrete Transfer Fcn
- Discrete Zero-Pole
- Discrete Filter
- Discrete PID Controller
- Discrete PID Controller (2DOF)
Lookup Tables • 1-D Lookup Table - 2-D Lookup Table
- n-D Lookup Table
Control System Toolbox LTI System
10 Control System Tuning