Simulink Control Design™ - MathWorks

(Tuis.) #1
Simulink Library Blocks with Predefined
Discretizing (Model Discretizer Blocks) • Discretized State-Space

  • Discretized Transfer Fcn

  • Discretized Zero-Pole

  • Discretized LTI System

  • Discretized Transfer Fcn (with initial
    Simulink Extras/Additional Linear State-Space (with initial outputs)

Scalar Expansion

The following tunable blocks support scalar expansion:

  • Discrete Filter

  • Gain

  • 1-D Lookup Table, 2-D Lookup Table, n-D Lookup Table

  • PID Controller, PID Controller (2DOF)

Scalar expansion means that the block parameters can be scalar values even when the
input and output signals are vectors. For example, you can use a Gain block to implement
y = ku with scalar k and vector u and y. To do so, you set the Multiplication mode of
the block to Element-wise(K.
u), and set the gain value to the scalar k.

When a tunable block uses scalar expansion, its default parameterization uses tunable
scalars. For example, in the y = k*u Gain block, the software parameterizes the scalar k
as a tunable real scalar (realp of size [1 1]). If instead you want to tune different gain
values for each channel, replace the scalar gain k by a N-by-1 gain vector in the block
dialog, where N is the number of channels, the length of the vectors u and y. The software
then parameterizes the gain as a realp of size [N 1].

Blocks Without Predefined Parameterization

You can specify blocks for tuning that do not have a predefined parameterization. When
you do so, the software assigns a state-space parameterization to such blocks based upon
the block linearization. For blocks that do not have a predefined parameterization, the
software cannot write tuned values back to the block, because there is no clear mapping

How Tuned Simulink Blocks Are Parameterized
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