Quick Loop Tuning
Tune SISO or MIMO feedback loops using a loop-shaping approach in Control System
Quick Loop Tuning lets you tune your system to meet open-loop gain crossover and
stability margin requirements without explicitly creating tuning goals that capture these
requirements. You specify the feedback loop whose open-loop gain you want to shape by
designating the actuator signals (controls) and sensor signals (measurements) that form
the loop. Actuator signals are the signals that drive the plant. The sensor signals are the
plant outputs that feed back into the controller.
You enter the target loop bandwidth and desired gain and phase margins. You can also
specify constraints on pole locations of the tuned system, to eliminate fast dynamics.
Control System Tuner automatically creates Tuning Goals that capture your specifications
and ensure integral action at frequencies below the target loop bandwidth.
In the Tuning tab of Control System Tuner, select New Goal > Quick Loop Tuning to
specify loop-shaping requirements.
Command-Line Equivalent
When tuning control systems at the command line, use looptune (for slTuner) or
looptune for tuning feedback loops using a loop-shaping approach.
Feedback Loop Selection
Use this section of the dialog box to specify input, output, and loop-opening locations for
evaluating the tuning goal.
- Specify actuator signals (controls)
10 Control System Tuning