Designate one or more signals in your model as actuator signals. These are the input
signals that drive the plant. To tune a SISO feedback loop, select a single-valued input
signal. To tune MIMO loop, select multiple signals or a vector-valued signal.
- Specify sensor signals (measurements)
Designate one or more signals in your model as sensor signals. These are the plant
outputs that provide feedback into the controller. To tune a SISO feedback loop, select
a single-valued input signal. To tune MIMO loop, select multiple signals or a vector-
valued signal.
- Compute the response with the following loops open
Designate additional locations at which to open feedback loops for the purpose of
tuning the loop defined by the control and measurement signals.
Quick Loop Tuning tunes the open-loop response of the loop defined by the control and
measurement signals. If you want your specifications for that loop to apply with other
feedback loops in the system opened, specify loop-opening locations in this section of
the dialog box. For example, if you are tuning a cascaded-loop control system with an
inner loop and an outer loop, you might want to tune the inner loop with the outer loop
TipTo highlight any selected signal in the Simulink model, click. To remove a signal
from the input or output list, click. When you have selected multiple signals, you can
reorder them using and. For more information on how to specify signal locations
for a tuning goal, see “Specify Goals for Interactive Tuning” on page 10-39.
Desired Goals
Use this section of the dialog box to specify desired characteristics of the tuned system.
Control System Tuner converts these into Loop Shape, Margin, and Poles goals.
- Target gain crossover region
Specify a frequency range in which the open-loop gain should cross 0 dB. Specify the
frequency range as a row vector of the form [min,max], expressed in frequency units
of your model. Alternatively, if you specify a single target frequency, wc, the target
range is taken as [wc/10^0.1,wc*10^0.1], or wc ± 0.1 decade.
Quick Loop Tuning