Simulink Control Design™ - MathWorks

(Tuis.) #1
Enter the target value of ρ in the text box. To enforce an excess of passivity at the
specified outputs, set ρ > 0. To permit a shortage of passivity, set ρ < 0. By default, the
passivity goal enforces ρ = 0, passive at the outputs with no required excess of

  • Enforce goal in frequency range

Limit the enforcement of the tuning goal to a particular frequency band. Specify the
frequency band as a row vector of the form [min,max], expressed in frequency units
of your model. For example, to create a tuning goal that applies only between 1 and
100 rad/s, enter [1,100]. By default, the tuning goal applies at all frequencies for
continuous time, and up to the Nyquist frequency for discrete time.

  • Apply goal to

Use this option when tuning multiple models at once, such as an array of models
obtained by linearizing a Simulink model at different operating points or block-
parameter values. By default, active tuning goals are enforced for all models. To
enforce a tuning requirement for a subset of models in an array, select Only Models.
Then, enter the array indices of the models for which the goal is enforced. For
example, suppose you want to apply the tuning goal to the second, third, and fourth
models in a model array. To restrict enforcement of the requirement, enter 2:4 in the
Only Models text box.

For more information about tuning for multiple models, see “Robust Tuning
Approaches” (Robust Control Toolbox).


When you tune a control system, the software converts each tuning goal into a normalized
scalar value f(x). Here, x is the vector of free (tunable) parameters in the control system.
The software then adjusts the parameter values to minimize f(x) or to drive f(x) below 1 if
the tuning goal is a hard constraint.

For Passivity Goal, for a closed-loop transfer function G(s,x) from the specified inputs to
the specified outputs, f(x) is given by:

fx =


, Rmax= 10^6.

R is the relative sector index (see getSectorIndex) of [G(s,x); I], for the sector
represented by:

Passivity Goal
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