Simulink Control Design™ - MathWorks

(Tuis.) #1
or more output locations to a unit step applied at one or more input locations. Use the
Specify input signals and Specify output signals sections of the dialog box to specify
these locations. (Other tuning goal types, such as loop-shape or stability margins, require
you to specify only one location for evaluation. The procedure for specifying the location
is the same as illustrated here.)

Under Specify input signals, click Add signal to list. A list of available input
locations appears.

If the signal you want to designate as a step-response input is in the list, click the signal
to add it to the step-response inputs. If the signal you want to designate does not appear,
and you are tuning a Simulink model, click Select signal from model.

In the Select signals dialog box, build a list of the signals you want. To do so, click
signals in the Simulink model editor. The signals that you click appear in the Select
signals dialog box. Click one signal to create a SISO response, and click multiple signals
to create a MIMO response.

Click Add signal(s). The Select signals dialog box closes.

10 Control System Tuning

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