Block Application
- Varying Lowpass Filter
- Discrete Varying Lowpass
Use these blocks to implement a
Butterworth lowpass filter in which the
cutoff frequency varies with scheduling
- Varying Notch Filter
- Discrete Varying Notch
Use these blocks to implement a notch filter
in which the notch frequency, width, and
depth vary with scheduling variables.
- Varying PID Controller
- Discrete Varying PID
- Varying 2DOF PID
- Discrete Varying 2DOF PID
These blocks are preconfigured versions of
the PID Controller and PID Controller
(2DOF) blocks. Use them to implement PID
controllers in which the PID gains vary with
scheduling variables.
- Varying Transfer Function
- Discrete Varying Transfer Function
Use these blocks to implement a transfer
function of any order in which the
polynomial coefficients of the numerator
and denominator vary with scheduling
- Varying State Space
- Discrete Varying State Space
Use these blocks to implement a state-
space controller in which the A, B, C, and D
matrices vary with the scheduling
- Varying Observer Form
- Discrete Varying Observer Form
Use these blocks to implement a gain-
scheduled observer-form state-space
controller, such as an LQG controller. In
such a controller, the A, B, C, D matrices
and the state-feedback and state-observer
gain matrices vary with the scheduling
Gain-Scheduled Notch Filter
For example, the subsystem in the following illustration uses a Varying Notch Filter block
to implement a filter whose notch frequency varies as a function of two scheduling
variables. The relationship between the notch frequency and the scheduling variables is
implemented in a MATLAB function.
11 Gain-Scheduled Controllers