trim values of the deflections da,de,dr depend on the airframe orientation relative to the
wind. This orientation is characterized by the angle-of-attack (AoA) alpha and the sideslip
angle (AoS) beta.
With the operspec and findop functions, you can efficiently compute the trim
deflections over a grid of (alpha,beta) values covering the operating range of the vehicle.
Here we trim the model for 8 values of alpha ranging from -10 to 25 degrees, and 5
values of beta ranging from -10 to +10 degrees. The nominal altitude and speed are set to
10,000 feet and Mach 0.6.
d2r = pi/180; % degrees to radians
m2ft = 3.28084; % meter to feet
Altitude = 10000/m2ft; % Nominal altitude
Mach = 0.6; % Nominal Mach
alpha_vec = -10:5:25; % Alpha Range
beta_vec = -10:5:10; % Beta Range
[alpha,beta] = ndgrid(alpha_vec,beta_vec); % (Alpha,Beta) grid
Use operspec to create an array of operating point specifications.
opspec = operspec('csthl20_trim',size(alpha));
11 Gain-Scheduled Controllers