(4.) csthl20_trim/beta (8)
spec: none
(5.) csthl20_trim/Mach (9)
spec: none
(6.) csthl20_trim/Ax,Ay,Az (10-12)
spec: none
spec: none
spec: none
Specify the equilibrium conditions for each orientation of the airframe. To do this:
- Specify the orientation by fixing the outputs alpha and beta to their desired values.
- Specify the airframe speed by fixing the Mach output to 0.6.
- Mark the angular rates p,q,r as steady.
- Mark the velocities vb and wb as steady.
for ct=1:40
% Specify alpha angle
opspec(ct).Outputs(3).y = alpha(ct);
opspec(ct).Outputs(3).Known = true;
% Specify beta angle
opspec(ct).Outputs(4).y = beta(ct);
opspec(ct).Outputs(4).Known = true;
% Specify Mach speed
opspec(ct).Outputs(5).y = Mach;
opspec(ct).Outputs(5).Known = true;
% Mark p,q,r as steady
opspec(ct).States(2).SteadyState = true(3,1);
% Mark vb,wb as steady
opspec(ct).States(3).SteadyState = [false;true;true];
% (phi,theta,psi) and (Xe,Ye,Ze) are not steady
opspec(ct).States(1).SteadyState = false(3,1);
opspec(ct).States(4).SteadyState = false(3,1);
To fully characterize the trim condition, also
- Set p=0 to prevent rolling.
- Set the roll/pitch/yaw angles (phi,theta,psi) to (0,alpha,beta) to align the wind and
earth frames.
11 Gain-Scheduled Controllers